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Jesus is King

In a discussion with friends during a Bible study, one friend asked another what it meant to them that Jesus is King. I thought of it this way –

A king is a man prepared and expected to lead in battle. When a country was at war, it’s the king who is expected to lead and fight with his men and for his people.

In literary culture, the king is the one who fights the dragon or the bad guy.

Both in history and literature, the king is the one who saves.

The people believe in their king. They have faith in the king. They love the king.

The king rules over the people and leads them in a way they should go. Provides for them. Takes care of them. Protects them. Saves them from their enemies.

Do you see where I’m going with this?

By: Sarah Beth (IG: @sbfusarophotography)

Sarah Beth is a contributing writer for Bible and Hot Cocoa blog. She is a writer, reader, and photographer, with a hearth for the unborn/pro-life movement. She's not exactly sure which book of the Bible is her favorite, and it is always changing. Her favorite figures from the Bible include Esther, King David, and Paul.

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